Sundered Empires Session Report 8

Read the previous session report

In town, while the two priests decided how to finish clearing the castle, they were approached by a dark-haired, beautiful woman and a massive Nar (lizard/dragon man) warrior with a slave brand on his face.  The pair identified themselves as Lilith and Rage Claw, and they were looking to hire on to an expedition.  Long Tom said that while they were happy to have new blood, they had a bit of a ‘thing’ against slavery (slavery is legal in the Lawful lands of the Empire, but not everyone agrees with it).  This was interesting because a) it’s incredibly fitting to a Sethian’s outlook and b) I’d never actually told the player that it doesn’t entirely jive with Sethi’s philosophy, so it was cool that he picked that up on his own.  Anyway, Lilith immediately said that Rage Claw was her friend, not her slave, though he had formerly been one.  That made the party relax a bit and agree to have them join the party.

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